HSIM (Hardware Simulator)
The product includes simulator for various microprocessors /
micro-controllers and peripheral chips. It has the ability to allow user
to build a complete circuit specifying the connections between processor
and peripherals, pin by pin. It includes a cross assembler for all
supported 8 bit and 16 bit microprocessors. The assembler is common and
change of a single table changes the processor. The assembler is a
single pass assembler with backpatcher and built-in expression evaluator. The product includes debugging abilities like watches,
breakpoints and status dump. It has character mode windows interface
with mouse support. User interface includes all standard components of
CUI including menus, dialog boxes and overlapped windows.
Click here to download HSIM demo.
About HSIM Demo.
Supports 8085, 8051, Z80, 8048 and 8096 processors.
Simulates circuits made up of microprocessor, peripheral chips, RAM, ROM
Supports complete microprocessor instruction set
Supports all device commands
Onscreen display of all registers, flags and memory locations
A separate window for each device displaying all internal details
Instant reflection of changes during simulation
Facility to edit registers, flags, memory locations with a single click of mouse
Complete interrupt simulation
Integrated assembler, assembly possible within HSIM integrated environment
Supports complete instruction set and pseudo-ops
Built-in intelligent disassembler
Support for Intelhex and OBJ format
Debugging Aids
Single stepping / burst mode execution of program
Break / Print points on registers, flags, memory locations
Unlimited Trace Mode
Flexible Circuit Building
Pin to pin connections, allowing construction of complex circuits
Cascading of devices
Save, Load and reporting features for circuits
Fanout information display
Supports all commonly used devices
Multiple instances of all devices
Expression evaluator
Instruction Reference
Radix converter
Online context sensitive help
Instruction help
User Interface
Smart overlapping windows giving infinite screen surface
Separate window for processor, every device, memory, status etc.
Facility to hide and place windows to focus on important activity
Complete mouse support
Color setting facility to match your hardware and choice
Comprehensive Reports
LST file
Error listing
Symbol table printing
Memory dumps
Circuit connections